Health & Fitness for Purpose?
I love listening to people in the fitness industry. There is a tremendous amount of expertise and experience out there. Talent, enthusiasm and innovation. I guess you get this culmination of attributes in any young industry. After all, fitness, like social media and coffee shops is still in its infancy. Then again, when it comes to gym fit out, I would say the industry has hit that irrational adolescence phase of growing up..........
I had a customer call me, for some flooring for a gym, Bob (his name has been changed to protect his identity). "10mm rubber roll" was the demand, followed by "how much? How quick?" And then "HOW MUCH!” That is pretty much how the conversation went............who had given 'Bob' that very specific product advice?
This got me thinking. How is it that brilliant people, who can be so enthusiastic, innovative and switched on make such random decisions about the flooring for their health and fitness clubs? Surely, there should be some form of cognitive process in the decision making?
It wouldn't happen in any other industry - Take finance, banks wouldn't lend money to people for a house that weren't in a position to pay it back, there would be a global financial meltdown..........wait. Bad example!
Other sectors, retail for example, base specification decisions on technical requirement and / or design image. High footfall may be a technical criteria in deciding on a product. Reflecting the brand image in colour may be a design criteria. Easy eh? It appears not.
Going back to my customer, Bob, our specification starting point should have been:-
1. What activity is the space being used for? What other uses are likely? PT, functional training, Olympic lifting? Meditation? Spin?
2. Is it first floor, basement? What other activities are going on below, next door, above?
3. Tell me about the user profile and your brand image.
This way we could have picked out a couple of solutions that meet the technical requirements of the space and then options which suit the brand. If there is no clear brand identity, we can help create one with the floor design, graphics walls and lighting.
Identifying the problem is one thing, "but what are you doing about it you 'Northern Monkey!" you may ask. Well, let me tell you. I have developed a CPD presentation, free to those who want it - Architects, Designers, Construction Professionals and off course, anyone involved in the operation of fitness facilities. We will even provide a free lunch!
It is worth 1 hour toward your annual CPD total and a certificate of attendance is issued.
Email now to book -